Event Archive

29 Mar

Anything for a Laugh

7:30 pm

Rhymes, limericks and amusing verse or worse were read.  Poems by Pam Ayers and Ogden Nash and many others that you thought you could never possibly hear at a poetry meeting all added to the laughter !

22 Feb

No Contest!

7:30 pm

 Ian White introduces some poems by Bob Dylan and some by John Keats.  Are there similarities?  Intrigued?  Come and hear what Ian has to say …………….

14 Dec

Christmas Open Evening

7:30 pm

Poetry and mince pies – this was a great start to the festive season.
Despite the cold weather and a hastily changed venue from the Apple Loft at the Helyar Arms to the skittle alley, poems were read and mince pies eaten!

09 Nov

Siegfried Sassoon

7:30 pm

We were fortunate to host a talk by Dennis Silk, who was a friend of the poet Siegfried Sassoon for many years from the 1950s until Sassoon’s death in 1967.  A schoolmaster by profession, Dennis Silk shared Sassoon’s interest in cricket and indeed became President of the MCC.  Dennis assisted with the BBC programme ‘Siegfried Sassoon: a Friend’, having made several recordings of the poet reading his own work.  Copies of these tapes were available with the proceeds going to charity.  This was a very interesting and well attended evening.

26 Oct

2010 Poetry Competition

6:30 pm

The subject this year was ‘East Coker’ and a new format for the competition meeting saw three judges giving their thoughts and insights into the entries.  The judges this year were – Liz Pike of the Yeovil Community Arts Association,  Bernard Holiday of the West Coker Poetry Group and Yeovil Poet John Hawkhead who all gave excellent comments and feedback on the entries.
A lively meeting finally announced the 4 winners, Amelia Bennett, Heather Murphy, David Cloke and Julie Mulder.
All the winning poems appear on our ‘Competition’ page

28 Sep

East meets West

6:30 pm

Six poets from West Coker boldly crossed the border into East Coker to present their poetry.  Roger Iredale, Janet Lailey, Bernard Holiday, Anna Webb, Chris Hudson and led by Stella Davis, this was a great showcase for local poetry in South Somerset.

27 Jul

Inspired by Artists

6:30 pm

A feast for the senses with a mix of the visual and poetic, this evening blended poetry and art and was presented by Caroline Mornement, with the poetry read by Gaie Vickers, Trevor Peacock, Tilly Tremayne and David Cloke.

29 Jun

2010 Summer Open Evening

6:30 pm

Always popular, these open evenings are an opportunity to hear both new poetry and old favourites in a live reading event that is open for anyone to come along and take part.  No theme – just bring some poems.

25 May

Rohan McCullough

6:30 pm

Rohan McCullough was unwell and unfortunately could not present her poetry evening.
However a poetry selection was put together (at short notice) by several of the group membersand it is hoped that Rohan may be able to come on another occasion.

06 Apr

The Poetry of Sylvia Townsend Warner

6:30 pm

Susanna Pinney presented this lively evening of the work of SYLVIA TOWNSEND WARNER which has been having a revival in recent years. Described as witty and original, and known primarily as a writer of novels and short stories, her poetry also attracted a lot of attention. Her first book of poetry was published in 1925 and was followed by three more collections over the years. She became a committed Communist in the 1930’s and lived for many years with her partner Valentine Ackland near Maiden Newton in Dorset. She died on 1 May 1978, aged eighty-four.