Upcoming Events

30 Jul

Ash Wednesday

7:30 pm

Bernard Holiday will explore the poem ‘Ash Wednesday’ by T.S.Eliot.  As a poetry group based in East Coker it can seem odd that we do not often feature Eliot’s poetry.   I hope that this meeting will help to redress this and provide an insight into what is considered to be one of Eliot’s most important yet ‘difficult’ poems.

This will be more of a ‘seminar’ type meeting with an opportunity to discuss the poem in the second half of the meeting.

27 Aug

Chinese Poetry + Open Meeting

7:30 pm

Wendy Salter introduces us to Chinese poetry. China has a long history of poetry which deserves a wide audience.
Poems from the Orient are often succinct and apt in ways that ‘Western’ poetry sometimes finds hard to emulate.

This will also be an ‘Open Meeting’ in the second half so do bring an poem to read (particularly if you have one from, or about the Orient).

24 Sep

Railways and Poems

7:30 pm

An Audio/Visual meeting celebrating the poetry of our railways.
Many poets have been inspired by the subject, so get your ticket and come and hear a selection of the best of Railway Poetry.