Love Poetry


7:30 pm

As February is the month of St Valentine, Heather has agreed to lead a meeting on the subject of love, a subject which, surprisingly, has not been covered by the group before (so far as I know). Please bring along a couple of your favourite love poems (we’ll want to fit in as many as possible so no 25-verse sagas please).

And, to add a little spice, we will hold an informal love poem competition. If you wish to enter, please bring along to the meeting a love poem of your own –no more than 20 lines or so. Give it to Heather when you arrive and don’t put your name on it (the entries will be judged anonymously during the break by Keita, our generous host at the café). All the entries can then be included in the poems read in the second half.

Entering this competition is not compulsory – if you want to just come and listen, please feel free to do so. That said, we hope that at least a few of you will enter as poor Heather doesn’t want to have to eat the prize (a heart-shaped box of chocolates) all on her own!

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