A Walk, a Picnic and Poetry


7:00 pm

This is a three part meeting and you can come to all or whichever part of the evening suits.


At 7.00pm Heather Murphy will be taking us on a short (half an hour) and informative amble around some parts of the village of East Coker starting at ‘The Paddock’.  ‘The Paddock’ is the triangle of grass and specimen trees on the left of the road up towards the Church before the Alms houses.

The walk will finish in ‘The Paddock’ by the Church where, having worked up an appetite, we can eat any sandwiches and refreshments we have brought.

At about 8.00pm we will head for the Helyar Arms and continue the evening with an ‘open evening’ of poetry on any subject you wish, although poems on a ‘summers evening’ would be very apt.  Poems with the words ‘hail’ and ‘floods’ in their title are specifically banned………….

Obviously if rain and storms threaten to turn The Paddock into a lake we will head for the Helyar Arms at 7.00pm so keep an eye on the forecast.

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