Event Archive

29 Jan

Guest Poets Reading - Elizabeth Parker and Luke Palmer

7:30 pm

Two Bristol poets, Elizabeth Parker and Luke Palmer, are coming to East Coker to read.  Both poets are recently published;  Luke Palmer was the winner of this year’s Prole Pamphlet Competition for Spring in the Hospital, and Elizabeth Parker has had her debut collection In her Shambles published in 2018.

11 Dec

Christmas Open Evening

7:30 pm

Christmas Open Evening


Ho! Ho! Ho!  This is the time to bring some really highbrow poetry (like limericks) to add to the festive season. 

Come and read your own poetry or something by any poet that you think will entertain the group – or just come and eat mince pies………

27 Nov

Different approaches to women poets

7:30 pm

2018 marks the 100-year anniversary of the Representation of the People Act which first gave women the right to vote.

Chris Salberg and Margaret Hamilton have put together this evening on their personal view of women’s poetry.

30 Oct

Competition Evening

7:30 pm

The theme this year was ‘Colours’.   Every poet taking part was allocated a colour  – how this was to be interpreted was left entirely to the poet.

The competition evening brought surprising and varied poetry and was great fun.  All the poems entered in our competition were read on the night.   Our three equal winners were :-

Chris Salberg with On the Madonna and Child by Bernardo Daddi, 1348

Diane Summer with The Art of Man

Ama Bolton with Yellow Ochre

Our judge this year was Dorset artist Jenny Cuthbert – our thanks to her for taking on this difficult task

25 Sep

The War Poets

7:30 pm

November sees the centenary of the Armistice which brought an end to the First World War.

Jem Langworthy presented – with the aid of volunteer and conscript readers – an evening of poetry written by and about those who lived through the years 1914 to 1918, from the jingoists to the pacifists and the soldiers who found themselves ‘here because we’re here because we’re here…’.

We saw how the war affected the poetry of some well-known writers and heard some too-often overlooked poetry written by women – nurses, wives, girlfriends, mothers. In addition to some refreshingly humorous verse written at the time we looked at poetry written long after the war which attempted to put it in some perspective.

28 Aug

Kim Squirrel

7:30 pm

Kim Squirrel and music

Bridport poet, Kim Squirrel, comes to East Coker 

31 Jul

You can't tell a (poetry) book by its cover

7:30 pm

An open meeting to bring some poetry books or booklets and tell us how the cover design works for you – and why.  

And perhaps read a poem or two from the books…….

21 Jun

The Langport Moot

11:00 am

This was a joint meeting with the Wells Fountain Poets and Taunton Fire River Poets at the excellent Great Bow Wharf facility in Langport.

It was a lovely relaxed day.  The sun shone; the poetry flowed; a good time was had.


29 May

Shakespeare - readings from his poetry and plays

7:30 pm

Readings from the Bard’s poetry or plays.  

Heather Murphy coordinating the ecellent evening and many of our members read from a good variety of Shakespeare’s poetry and plays.  

24 Apr

Underground Poetry

7:30 pm

Underground poetry in all senses of the word.   

Mind the gap – and expect the unexpected.   Caroline Mornement put together this poetic evening.

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